Agnus Dei is now offering Children's Mass Sets!
Lenten/Advent Chasuble
Lenten/Advent Chasuble
Lenten/Advent Chasuble
- Price: $90.00
- Product Details:
St. Patrick's Chasuble
St. Patrick's Chasuble
St. Patrick's Chasuble
- Price: $90.00
- Product Details:
Minature Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd Vestment Set
Minature Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Vestment Set
Minature Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Vestment Set
- Price: $170.00
- Product Details:
* The above prices do not include shipping or any taxes that may apply. These items are calculated on a case by case basis.
Tax Exempt Number
If you are or represent a not for profit or non taxable entity, make sure to send us your tax exemption number.
No-Hassle Reship
Once you are established with us, we can reship you your order monthly. Don't ever worry about running out of incense. These plans are easily modifible to change with your changing needs.
Payment Options
Besides sending us a check, we also accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express.
Got Questions?
Please get in contact with us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.