Tuesday, 12 April 2016 16:38

On the Home Front

Written by Erika Walters
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written by: Erika                                                             April 2016

March is one of our favorite months. The weather is turning, Easter week events at church, break from school, first mowing of the year, buds on the apple trees emerging and planning our family vacation for the summer. 

Last week our dining room got a SERIOUSLY NEEDED  overhaul; sanding, patching, more sanding, painting, chair moldings, and new baseboards.  Very beach themed; we love it!  See pics on left. We recycled some paint; Angelica mixed new colors. She got that ability from her Opa; ( my father) because only God knows it isn't from me.  Eventually we will replace the blinds and get some additional wall art.  

Jeff's work is going fairly well, he is still trying to get more than 32 hours a week; but he has much less third shift hours than he did 13 months ago when he started. Thank goodness!  It is a cross for him to carry each day; environment is tough to work in.  He keeps his chin up... providing for the children and I the best he can.

In the meantime..

homeschooling and Agnus Dei is the job for the kids and I.

Very positive month!  Great advice from some super people. We got incense gift packs out to 8  US seminaries; talked to the sacristans.  They are pumped about trying the 6 varieties that we put in the pack.  Plus, they are  filling out the feedback forms.  Getting to know what everyone likes is half the battle.  Every week we gain one new client.  Baby steps to secure our future. We are noticing now that the Agnus Dei name is getting around, 1 pound incense purchases are starting to increase.  Also the communion breads are picking up a bit.

Got a ton of website updates done this month.  Made it more google friendly plus added my blog directly to the website. http:// http://www.agnusdei.us/blog

We now have full incense descriptions on our website; no need to navigate to the online catalog.  http://www.agnusdei.us/price-list/incense

If you are interested in trying a 1 oz of each incense please try this sample pack


This June we are visiting my aunt in Colorado. Should be awesome; 18 of us sharing two bathrooms and using lots of air mattresses.  Stay tuned!  As far as Agnus Dei, it is growing consistently and clearly being led by a higher power.  We have dedicated it to Our Lady and she gives us strength to persevere. We pray, work hard and try and connect ourselves with people that can help.  

Read 3575 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 16:40